About us
Thank you for visiting our website! We appreciate your interest.
We are a Southeast side neighborhood congregation, located in Wausau, just west of John Marshall Elementary. As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we have been sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ in our ministries since our birth in 1947.
​Some of our activities are common to all Christian faith communities: Joyful worship, education for children and small group studies for adults; Choir and Confirmation classes; quilting; prayer ministry and prayer shawls; CROP walking—to name just a few. Some of what we do is unique to the personality of this congregation, such as our newly-developed Southeast Side Community Gardens, our beautiful perennial garden; our Little Library, providing space for our neighbors to vote, and housing the Christian Fellowship Church, which serves our Hmong brothers and sisters.
We take the needs of those outside our faith circle seriously, supporting local food shelves, including providing weekend food through our "Blessings that Give Hope" food program to children at John Marshall Elementary School who might otherwise go hungry. We also give support to the Greater Wausau Christian Services, Lutheran Social Services, Faith in Action, Women’s Community, Salvation Army, and more. ​
We extend outward through broader missions of the Church through ELCA World Hunger, Disaster Relief and Young Adults in Global Mission; to our companion church of Rorisang Parish, in Gopane, South Africa; and, through our dedicated quilters who share their efforts locally and globally.
​One of our members, reflecting on Pilgrim’s life, puts it like this: “Over the past 70 years we have evolved and changed. Yet, each Sunday when we gather to worship we celebrate not change, but rather the Lord who is with us in all of the changes of life. We gather in the Sanctuary, where there is neither clock nor calendar, for what we seek there is timeless and eternal…”
We believe that Pilgrim Lutheran is Christ’s church, and that there is a place for everyone here. There is a place for YOU!